A FATHER-of-two has 'turned his life around' after being jailed for an armed robbery nearly ten years ago thanks to an inspirational businessman’s help.

Zaishan Jahangir, 29 originally from Bolton, was jailed in 2011 after becoming involved in a gang that carried out two armed robberies in Daubhill but since then has worked hard to get his life back on track and give back to the community.

He says it was all made possible thanks to Chorley based businessman Shaz Malik, owner of Four Sixes taxi company, who took it upon himself to give him some much needed guidance.

Mr Jahangir said: “I popped in to see him at his taxi stand after I’d heard about how he’d helped other people.

“He was apprehensive at first but he’s helped me so much, giving me advice and moral support.”

Mr Jahangir spent eight years in prison for his part in the robberies, and found that once he was released life did not become much easier until meeting Mr Malik.

Understanding the seriousness of his crimes, he had met with and apologised to his victims but still found things hard.

Mr Jahangir said: “I’ve been turned down for numerous jobs but he’s told me to keep going.”

He added: “It’s very difficult to get work with a criminal record, I’ve been turned down for almost every job I’ve applied for.

“It totally ruined my confidence but when I spoke to Shaz about it, he offered to help.”

Mr Malik’s guidance helped to rebuild the young father’s self belief and helped him to start a new job in a warehouse.

Now he wants to do his bit to support the community that gave him his second chance and the pair are now planning to get started in business together.

Mr Jahangir said: “We’re looking to get set up in the hospitality trade, something that will benefit the whole community.

For his part, Shaz Malik believe’s his friend has a bright future ahead of him now that he has worked hard to put his past behind him.

Mr Malik said: “Everyone deserves a second chance, he just needed to come to terms with what he’d done.”

He added: “In our society now, it doesn’t matter who you are or your background, if you fall in with the wrong crowd you can end up on the wrong track."

The businessman explained how he found a willing listener in the reformed young man.He said: “Everything I said, he automatically took it on board, everything I told him, he really took it personally.”Mr Malik hopes that he will also be able to help other people who’s lives have taken a wrong turn and show them that a better way forward is possible.

He said: “There more people that reach out, the more we can stop them from doing something wrong.”

He added: “But if you really want to change, you’ve got to do it.”