A THEATRE will bring a horrifyingly hilarious comedy-thriller to the stage next month.

Tyldesley Little Theatre takes to the stage once more with a new production, Prepare To Meet Thy Tomb, directed by the theatres stalwart Margaret Speakes.

The cast has been revealed starring Drusilla played by Gemma Manfredi and Hecuba played by comedy queen Hannah Boardman.

The Tombs are professional killers, and they can take out anybody with ease.

But while trying to handle a job that's unexpectedly and quite literally looming over them they encounter a slew of guests including a writer and her assistant, a newlywed couple on their honeymoon, and a TV mogul determined to pry into the houses history.

A spokesperson for the theatre, Connor Parkinson, said: "This play is so complex that you're constantly guessing who's going to go next, and if anybody is smart enough to figure out what's going on. Just as you think you understand everything there's another twist."

Prepare To Meet Thy Tomb opens on Tuesday March 1, and runs until Saturday, March 5.

Tickets are selling fast so book now at www.tlt.org.uk