NHS staff are inviting families to join them for their annual baby remembrance service.

Staff at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust are inviting parents and families of babies who have sadly died to join them at the Bridge Church in Bolton on April 3, at 3pm, giving them a space for them to commemorate their loved ones.

It will be a multi-faith service and also suitable for those of no faith, and will be around 30 to 40 minutes long with an act of remembrance, which will consist of prayers for faiths including Christian, Hindu and Muslim, readings, poems and music for reflection.

Rev Catherine Binns, the hospital trust’s deputy head chaplain, said: “The service is always much appreciated by families.

“To lose a baby is a tragedy for any family, and many parents want to have some way of commemorating their child.

“This service is very successful in giving that opportunity and offering support and understanding. We hope people will attend.”

The Royal Bolton Hospital has a dedicated memorial garden, within the grounds, where parents can pay their respects to infants lost in childbirth or stillborn.