The Mayor of Bolton hosted a Fairtrade coffee afternoon yesterday to promote fair prices and to protect the rights of farmers.

Cllr Linda Thomas is a patron of Fairtrade in Bolton and has previously hosted a delegation from Korea, who visited to find out more about the work Bolton does as a Fairtrade town.

The mayor and three elected members from the council are part of the town’s Fairtrade steering group, which brings people together to coordinate action on Fairtrade.

A spokesman for Bolton Council said: "Thanks to the Mayor of Bolton for hosting a Fairtrade coffee afternoon for Fairtrade Fortnight.

"Buying fantastic Fairtrade products helps producers around the world get fairer prices and cope with climate change."

Bolton Council has been supporting the Fairtrade movement since 2002. A year later, they became one of the UK’s first Fairtrade towns.

For farmers and workers, Fairtrade means workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay.

For shoppers it means high-quality, ethically produced products.

It is a certification system that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of products or ingredients.