CAR thieves can steal a keyless vehicle in less than 30 seconds, police have warned.

Bolton's neighbourhood police issued urgent safety advice to motorists as criminals use increasingly sophisticated technology to hack a car's computer.

It comes the theft of such vehicles in Bolton, with officers saying they are working to catch those responsible.

A GMP Bolton West spokesman said: "Whilst technology has dramatically improved the experience of drivers, it has also allowed criminals to exploit the weaknesses within electronic security.

"Now criminals are able to steal keyless vehicles without the need to be in the immediate proximity, making it easier to target cars both at home and in public - such as carparks.

"Whilst this may cause concern - we are actively pursuing all available lines of enquiry and building intelligence to identify offenders and ensure they are brought to justice."

The police officer urged drivers to follow a few 'simple steps' to protect their vehicles and deter thieves.

• Invest in a signal blocking pouch; the thin metallic linking automatically blocks any wireless signals such as keyless car cloning devices.

• Keep keys safe and out of sight - whilst at home keep car keys well away from the vehicle as this disrupts the signal range. Avoid keeping them near the front door or any windows too.

• Turn off the fob's wireless signal - wireless signals on some keyless fobs can be turned off.

• Buy a steering wheel lock - this will be an automatic red flag for potential car thieves.

• Park the car in a garage if possible • Check vehicles are locked • If a vehicle is fitted with tracking device check for software updates and additional security options.