I THOUGHT it was worth pointing out that the Spanish are definitely tightening up on cyclists and their sometimes cavalier attitudes to road safety.

These rules are now being strictly enforced in Spain.

Bikes do not have priority at pedestrian crossings. To cross a pedestrian crossing it is mandatory to get off the bike and crossing it on foot. Penalty for using a crossing without getting off the bike is 200 euros.

Next - Signal manoeuvres. In addition to joining the traffic, by bike it is also mandatory to signal other manoeuvres such as turns, changes of direction and lane.

Signals can be made with the right arm, extending it horizontally at shoulder height or with the left arm, bending it at an angle. Penalty to signal a manoeuvre is 200 euros.

Respect traffic signals.Traffic light signals, like vertical ones (stop, give way ,limited speed). Skipping a traffic light penalty 150 to 500 euros.

If only.....

Ian Royle