A ‘PERPLEXED’ and ‘upset’ mum has called for action as her 14-year-old son has been left without a school place.

Anna Robinson, from Harwood, moved from Tameside six weeks ago and had no problem getting her younger son Connor into primary school - but she has struggled to get teenage son Jack into a high school.

She applied prior to moving and says she was told by Canon Slade to appeal, only to be told there weren’t enough places.

Anna said: “I received a letter to say all school places were full and that the nearest one was in Kearsley or Rivington.

“It’s not a reasonable distance. I would have to leave at 6.45 in the morning.

“It’s a massive problem and I feel like there is nowhere to go or nowhere to turn.”

If Anna was to make the journey further away, she says it would mean travelling for three hours a day, and that Jack would have to take several buses if he made his own way.

Another issue for Anna is the times that the children finish school too, making it more difficult for her.

The worried mum has spent money on books to make sure Jack is learning as much as possible, but she said she is "not a teacher" and doesn’t know the curriculum.

She added: “It is a public right to be educated. If I didn’t do anything, Jack would be uneducated, and no one would know.

“Where’s the help, the support, and guidance? It’s completely different to when I was at school.”

A spokesperson for Bolton Council said: “In-year admissions can be particularly challenging, but every effort is made to offer a school place within the borough.

“Unfortunately, it is not always possible to offer families a place at their preferred school.

“There is significant pressure on secondary school places in certain areas of the borough and many schools are at full capacity.”

Anna is even more concerned because this is the year that Jack gets to choose his options for GCSEs.

She added: “Jack has been out of education for six weeks now.

“I have never known anything like it. I feel like the worst mum in the world.

“People make appeals as a second choice, but this is just to get a place.

“These are the future of our town and who will contribute to the economy.”

Anna said she wouldn’t be as "perplexed and upset and cross" if she would have been offered some guidance or an alternative solution for the time being.

Anna is also concerned she will be faced with a similar struggle with her Connor who is due to start high school in September.

Anna also applied for Turton School and is currently trying to progress the application.