I AM writing in response to a letter in your column regarding cyclists.

I write as an ex-cyclist. Fifteen years ago I was involved in an accident, whereby I was knocked of my bike at the junction when a car pulled out. I had the right of way but unfortunately the man just did not see me.

I went over the bonnet of the car and although I had all the correct gear on I was taken to Hope Hospital where I stayed for best part of a year and was in a coma just over nine weeks.

But the most awful thing about the accident, the man who knocked me off my bike did not have the guts to say to me ‘I’m so sorry, I did this awful thing to you’.

There has to be a law whereby when a person who does such things they just do not come away with a fine and and an endorsement. It has wrecked my life. I had a successful business and was going places.

As your correspondent has written, cars do not give the correct space to cyclists and I have seen it with my own eyes.

John Wellock