The Prime Minister Boris Johnson should not resign, leader of Bolton Council Martyn Cox has said after Boris Johnson was hit with a sanction for attending a gathering in breach of lockdown rules.

Cllr Cox, who leads the only Conservative run local authority in Greater Manchester, responded to calls that the PM should step down after it emerged Mr Johnson was issued with a fine for attending a birthday party in breach of Covid regulations.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak also received a fine for breaking lockdown regulations.

The two were hit with criminal sanctions for attending the function in the Cabinet Room in June 2020.

Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak apologised yesterday and confirmed they had paid the fines imposed by the Metropolitan Police.

But they resisted calls for their resignations – insisting they were keen to now get on with the job.

Cllr Cox told The Bolton News said it was right the PM had apologised but given the Ukrainian crisis, it would not be good for the country for Mr Johnson to resign.

He said: "It was right the Prime Minister apologised, it was the right thing to do and people expected him to apologise.

"I understand how upset people will be given the majority followed the rules which were in place, but I do not think he should resign.

"We have the enormously important issue in the Ukraine presently and Boris Johnson is driving the Western response to the Russian invasion in terms of providing Ukrainian with support, including aid and armaments.

"I, and many Conservatives, do not believe this is the right time for a leadership election in the Tory Party."