A CAR was seized in a busy supermarket car park this afternoon.

Police followed the car form Clifton into Radcliffe.

The call pulled into Asda car park and was seized for not having insurance, said the officers with Greater Manchester Police's Traffic Unit.

The vehicle, a Ford Focus, was taken and the driver has been reported.

A spokesperson for GMP Traffic Unit said: “This vehicle was followed from Clifton and into Radcliffe.

“Vehicle stopped at Asda, Radcliffe, and found to have no insurance.”

They continued: “Forgetting to insure your car is not an excuse. Vehicle seized and driver reported.”

It is illegal to drive a vehicle without at least third-party insurance.

You can be given a fixed penalty of £300 and 6 points on your license if you’re caught driving a vehicle you’re not insured to drive.

Furthermore, if the case goes to court you could be disqualified from driving and be given an unlimited fine.

The police also have the power to seize and destroy the vehicle that is being driven uninsured.