A school community has been left devastated by the tragic death of one of its pupils.

Harley Whittle, a pupil at St Gabriel's RC High School, died on Friday.

The tragedy comes just months after the death of the school's assistant headteacher Mark Hargeaves who collapsed in the playground whilst on lunch time duty.

The circumstances surrounding Harley's are not known.

The school says it is supporting the teenager's family during this time - and tributes to Harley have been paid on social media.

The school, which is attended by pupils from Bolton, sent a letter to parents on Monday informing them of the tragic and support in place for pupils.

The letter stated: "It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden unexpected loss of one of our St Gabriel's family. Some of your children may have been in this student's friendship circle.

“Please be reassured that we are supporting their family."

It added: “If you feel your child has been affected by this loss, please contact us to let us know so we can offer both counselling support now and emotional support over time.

“We pray for the family of our student, as, we are sure, will you at this devastating time

“Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, May they rest in peace.”

Chris Foley, catholic senior executive leader for the St Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Academy Trust said: “On Friday evening a pupil from St Gabriel’s unexpectedly passed away. The school and wider community, are all devastated by this loss.

“Over the coming days and weeks, our priority is to come together as a community so that we can start to grieve and heal after this tragedy. We will, of course, also be offering any support we can to the family and the pupils within our schools.

“When the time is right, our community will find suitable ways to commemorate this life. We will feel this loss more keenly as each day passes, so we ask for privacy, compassion and prayers over the coming weeks.”

Tributes to Harley have been shared via Tik Tok.

One read: “Big loss to the school, you will be missed by all.”

Others added: “We all love and miss you so much.”

“Rest in Peace Harley, you will be missed.”

“Fly high Harley.”