Parrots have become the talk of a small knit community which has got itself rather in to a flap.

The drama unfolded on Sunday when a parrot took flight from its owner's home.

A call was put out on social media and within an hour a message was received about a parrot being spotted on the wheelie bins in a garden on Crescent Road, not even a mile from where the bird reported lost had gone missing.

Facebook page administrator John Bullen told The Bolton News:"Lost parrot. Found parrot. No problem I thought we link the two people up and everyone is happy.

"Except it turns out the parrot which has gone AWOL is a grey parrot and the one that has turned up is a yellow parrot!

"I think I can be forgiven for thinking that someone was playing an April Fool's prank in July!"


The Bolton News:

And while the grey parrot is still on the loose, it seems the yellow bird has found a new home - after flying into a house.

After a few minutes of flying around it settled down on the curtain rod and went to sleep, making itself at home.

John said, "The worry with it going into Tracey is the parrot may have picked up a few new words that it didn't know when it first went in there!"

He said Tracie Burke is doing her best for the poor bird.

She has posted everywhere to find the owner but thus far no one has come forward.

She said: "I have bought it parrot food and I’m getting a cage tomorrow, Poor little fella, apparently his claws are horrendously long."