Patients of Bolton’s Breast Cancer Services, at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, have helped raise more than £5,000.

The Evergreen Suite at the trust received two donations, totalling to £5,700.

The donations were made by members of the Bolton community who have previously benefitted from the patient care and services.

Former and current patient, Patricia Harrison and Julie Riley, held an afternoon tea event for 60 people at Harefield Hall in Heywood and raised £2,000.

As an added bonus Barclays Bank confirmed they would match the donation amount, bringing the total to £4,000.

The Bolton News: Community help raise thousandsCommunity help raise thousands

Patricia, was diagnosed in 2018 and underwent a mastectomy in 2019, at which point she decided she wanted to fundraise for the Evergreen Suite.

Patricia said: “The patient care and quality of service I received at Bolton was exceptional.”

Current patient, Julie, was diagnosed in May 2022 following a routine mammogram and underwent a mastectomy in June.

Julie said: “Everything went so smoothly and so quickly.

“The staff were wonderful, and the radiographers were very skilled to spot the tumour early in the stage.”

The family of Amanda Hartley also made a generous donation of £1,700 after they held a fundraising event at Dobbies Golf Club.

The family raised the money before the pandemic but were unable to present the donation up until last week.

Marilyn Sheridan, Healthcare Assistant at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, said: “These donations are going to make such a big difference to us by providing more post-op bras for patients and funding the patient garden project.

“Thank you so much to everyone for all the support.”

Abdul Goni, Charity Engagement Coordinator, said: “It was absolutely brilliant to have met members of the Bolton community who have experienced fantastic care from our breast services team.

“The donations will benefit many more patients receiving treatment at the Evergreen Suite.

“We are incredibly grateful for the generosity.

 “Thank you.”

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