Floral tributes in memory of Queen Elizabeth II have been laid in the grounds on Bolton Parish Church, which has become a focal point for people to mourn but also to express their gratitude for her long service.

A Civic Memorial Service will be held at the church on Sunday, September 18 at 6.30pm.

Bolton Parish Church is open every day for private prayer and reflection following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.

There is also the opportunity to light a candle and sign the book of condolence, one of the official books of condolence.

The Bolton News: Cllr John Walsh signs the book of condolence. Picture by Henry LiswoskiCllr John Walsh signs the book of condolence. Picture by Henry Liswoski

The grounds of the Parish Church provide a designated site for the placing of floral tributes. These should be laid as closely as possible to the flagpole at the west (Churchgate) end of the church grounds.

Church warden Cllr John Walsh, an honorary lay canon, said: "We have had a steady stream of people coming into church to sign the book of condolence and lay flowers in the grounds which is indicative of the support she had in Bolton and people want to commemorate her life in this way.

"The Mayor of Bolton will also lay a floral tribute."

The Bolton News: Tribute left in Bolton Parish Church. Picture Henry LiswoskiTribute left in Bolton Parish Church. Picture Henry Liswoski

The church is open from 9am to 5.30pm and on Sunday, The Civic Memorial Service will be held, starting at 6.30pm.

Everyone is welcome and the service will also be relayed in church grounds.

A national minute's silence will be held nationwide on Sunday to remember the life of Queen Elizabeth II.

Cllr Walsh said: "The service is open to everyone and to accommodate people we will be having chairs and there may be standing room but we want people to be able to attend.

"The service will also be relayed into church grounds.

"There will be invited dignitaries and uniformed organisations and we are hoping to have young people attend also."

The monarch passed away on Thursday, September 8 at the age of 96 after reigning for 70 years on the throne.

This minute's silence will take place at 8pm, a day before her funeral is scheduled.

The heritage open day to the church on September 17 is cancelled and the heritage lectures have been postponed.

It is hoped to organise a mini-heritage day in the near future