A TWO-YEAR-OLD boy was rescued by firefighters after getting locked in a car.

Fire crews were called the Howell Croft car park, in Hawell Croft South, Bolton, at 1pm yesterday and found Lewis MacKinon trapped in the vehicle.

The boy's mother had got out, leaving her keys in the car, and the central locking had activated.

The crew managed to persuade the toddler to climb from the back seat into the front and press the remote locking button on the keys to open the car.

Crew Commander Rick Mortimer, of Bolton Central fire station, said: "He didn't even know what all the fuss was about.

"He was only in the car about 15 minutes because it wasn't far from the station.

"The boy's mother was getting anxious so was very glad to see us. We were lucky we managed to talk the boy into pressing the button as usually we have to smash a window in these cases."