A HEMLOCK tree has been saved after developers were refused permission to chop it down.

Wainhomes had applied for permission to fell the tree, but the request has been refused by Bolton Council's planning committee.

The tree is on land formerly occupied by Brynmoor, a house dubbed the "Jewel in the crown of Smithills" before it was controversially demolished last year.

Before planning permission was granted to Wainhomes to build 15 three-storey townhouses on the land in Harpers Lane, Smithills, bulldozers had moved in and about 25 trees were felled, infuriating residents.

The trees were not protected, but Bolton Council, acting on a stream of complaints made by local people, placed tree protection orders on the remaining trees.

Wainhomes applied for permission to cut down the hemlock tree, claiming it was causing "excessive shading" to one of the new houses.

Smithills councillor and planning committee member Roger Hayes said: "I'm appalled by this. If this was approved it would show that tree protection orders aren't worth anything.

"I have no sympathy with Wainhomes over their predicament. They knew this tree was protected when they produced the designs."

Cllr John Walsh said: "I'm horrified that once again we have a situation where a developer knew from the planning stage that this tree was protected and had scant regard for the protection of this tree.

"The tree provides vital cover in Harpers Lane and we should be protecting it."