The classic bow! Usually reserved for girls aged five and under... until now!

Bows are everywhere on the high street so never has it been so easy to enhance your image with a subtle feminine accessory.

To start with we have the blouse, a revived fashion statement all of its own, but add a pussy bow and you have instant glamour.

This stripy number would be highly suitable for dress down day in the office or for a Saturday afternoon picnic, teamed with jeans and nautical pumps.

The puff sleaves will flatter the arms and the contrasting stripes on the bow will stop you looking like something from the Aquafresh advert.

At £12 from it certainly will not break the bank to invest in this item.

If you fancy something a bit smarter for the office then go for this chiffon number from Republic at £19.99. Spots are also big on the high street so you'll be killing two birds with one bow so to speak.

Wear a camisole underneath to prevent the Bridget Jone's "tarty" look, and play with the bow to make it bigger, or smaller to suit your taste.

The material will be cool enough to take you through the summer months and you can even take it through to night with a belt, jeans and killer heels.

Moving on to dresses, who could resist this prettier than thou prom dress from At just £25 you can feel like the bell of the ball at a fraction of the cost. The length is cutesy and the thin straps keep it simple, while the bow at the bust keeps it girly.

The pale peach stops it resembling a bridesmaid gown. Keep the accessories light though, you're going to understated glamour here. Think Sandra Dee in Grease - we're talking crisp white cardigans and ballet pumps.

Wear on spring day-dates or vamp it up for night with heels and pearls - less is more if you're going for this look though.

If you want to go for nautical, and frankly you should, then this blue dress is cheaper than cheap. At £8 from Matalan it will suit most occasions and most pockets.

A stroll on the beach, a walk in the park, an afternoon shopping, dates in the beer garden. The look is timeless and would suit opaque tights on chilly days and funky flats or heels when the weather heats up - bare legs, ahhhh.

The contrast of white on blue will make you feel like you should be on the high seas and the light fabric will skim your curves - all you need now is a strapping sailor.

Down to the feet now and we need to talk shoes.

If you want to go regal then why not try these ivory peep toe heels from Red Herring at Debenhams.

The heel is high enough to give you a bit of a lift, while low enough that you can actually walk, dance, run... well maybe not run, but you catch my drift.

They would accompany a black suit for the office or even a white ball gown if you're going somewhere fancy.

The peep toe is suitably flirty and at £25 you'll certainly be getting value for money.

Bows are not just restricted to the here and now. Going vintage could be the way forward. And why not start with these mules from Beyond Retro. The perspex is a little "out there" but it will give the appearance that the bow is floating.

The pewter grey colour will suit most outfits and the statement heel is funky and fresh. At £28 they are in the mid-price range, so if mules are your thing then you can't really go wrong with these. Wear under your new found flares or get those cropped trousers out and put some bunches in your hair like a true 1950s chick.

Finally, if you don't want to go so far as to buy your garments laden with bows then try to accessorise.

If you're looking for a handbag then look no further than Internacionale for this white bow clutch at just £5.

It's on-trend with its box frame, but watch out, these stiff designs don't always allow for the many, many items a girl might need in her handbag. Check it will be practical before you buy. However, if all you need is your lippy and some cash then shop away.

If you want to go understated then a belt will do the trick. This nude patent one will help you go girly but keep you feeling chic. At £10 from Dorothy Perkins, the store really knows how to do everyday wear, you can afford to splash out on all your other must-have bow items.

The easist way to accessorise is with a headband, which you can slip in and out to change your look. This nautical one would look lush with the nautical style dress from Matalan and will add a splash of colour. Get yours from Freedom at Topshop for £6.

Motifs on pearls are in every shop on the high street and add a feminine quality to any outfit.

This necklace would look great with a jeans and plain T-shirt combo or team it with the prom dress from to complete the look.

The diamantes add a splash of bling and the short necklace will ensure it sits nicely on your collarbone. It's on the pricey end of the budget, at £30, also from Topshop but with its vintage feel, I think you'll find its worth it.

Hopefully, as I have demonstrated, bows don't have to be pink, or made of gingham, but they are completely now, so have a go and you might be pleasantly surprised.