Two brothers have paid tribute to the Queen with a little royal picnic at home.

Fanworth youngsters Harvey and Rio Southern, aged four and one respectively, sat at a mini table to enjoy cream cakes, sandwiches, rolls and pies as part of their picnic.

The brothers wanted to be involved in the historic day where Bolton prepared to say goodbye to the beloved Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her funeral today, Monday.

The Bolton News: Vicky SouthernVicky Southern (Image: Vicky Southern)

Their mum, Vicky Southern, said: “Harvey understands a little bit, he’s been mesmerised by all the soldiers and the ceremonies leading up to the funeral.

“Harvey’s not been well so I come up with the idea to do something at home to suit us all as a family.

“So, it was an afternoon tea made by Nicolas cafe in Walkden.

"We ate sandwiches with all different fillings, rolls ,wraps, cheese and pickles, pies, followed by cream cakes, scones, Victoria sponge and cupcakes.

“Baby Rio had a taste of everything then decided to knock all the cream cakes of the table.”

The Bolton News: Vicky SouthernVicky Southern (Image: Vicky Southern)

Other places in the borough, including pubs, have paid their respects by showing the funeral on TV.