The latest celestial event taking place in the UK will be the appearance of the Hunter's Moon or October full moon.

It gets its name as it marked the time to go hunting in preparation for the time to go hunting in preparation for the winter.

According to the Almanac website, the earliest use of the term Hunter’s Moon is believed to date back to 1710.

It will be the first full moon to follow the Harvest moon, which appeared in the sky on September 10 earlier this year.

When to watch the Hunter's Moon 2022 in the UK

According to The Telegraph the Hunter's Moon will be at its peak in the UK at 9.54pm BST.

This will be the last full moon to occur until the Beaver Moon, which will be seen in early November 2022.

The Telegraph wrote: "A full moon occurs every 29.5 days and happens when the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun's rays.

"It occurs when the Earth is directly aligned between the Sun and the Moon."

The names of all the full moons are different because they relate back to when the Native Americans used them to keep track of the season and lunar months.

They gave each one a nickname which would usually relate to an activity or an event that took place at the time in each location.