A school in Bolton is urging parents to park responsibly after complaints from residents.

Tonge Moor Academy has posted a notice after it, along with many other schools in the borough, deals with parking issues before and after school.

Residents say the issue of parking has caused driveways to be blocked and resident-only parking bays to be taken up.

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The note stated: “The school has again received a complaint from a local resident regarding parking outside school and in particular the blocking of resident’s driveways, footpaths and the parking of vehicles in the residents only parking bays on Brierwood.

The Bolton News: Cars parked just outside the school on Brierwood at pickup timeCars parked just outside the school on Brierwood at pickup time (Image: The Bolton News)

“Please could we ask all parents/carers and those that pick-up and drop-off children at school to be mindful of where they park their cars, ensuring that access to properties remains clear and footpaths are not obstructed. We thank you for your co-operation with this matter.”

Tonge with the Haulgh councillor Elaine Sherrington said: “I support the academy, they need the parents to be more courteous to people who live around the school.

“People say kids should walk to school – that’s fine when you live in a society where mums are at home cleaning and cooking and are free to pick children up.

“But nowadays, 72 per cent of women work, and when you take away women who are retired, virtually all women work – it’s a different world now.”

The Bolton News: The school have released a statement asking parents to be mindful when parking, having received a complaint from a local residentThe school have released a statement asking parents to be mindful when parking, having received a complaint from a local resident (Image: The Bolton News)

She continued: “On Brierwood we’ve got a cul-de-sac of bungalows for the elderly and people park in there, it causes all sorts of aggravation.

“The whole thing is a nuisance.”

Parents who spoke to The Bolton News said there is a situation with parking, but they park responsibly.

Louise Harrison, a parent at the school, said: “I think it’s ridiculous because there’s one street to park, you can only go down there, people park in front of people’s driveways.

“I drive a car, but make sure not to park in front of people’s driveways.

“If you want to get parking here you have to get here about half past two, it’s ridiculous.”

The Bolton News: Cllr Elaine Sherrington agrees that parents should be more courteousCllr Elaine Sherrington agrees that parents should be more courteous (Image: Bolton Council)

Stacey Birchall, aged 32, a parent at the school, said: “There needs to be designated parking space.”

Another parent, who didn’t wish to be named, said: “I don’t bring my car because of this parking.

“A couple of weeks back, a car hit someone’s car here, they were parked quite badly.

“What I tend to do is when it’s a clear day I just walk, but when I have to bring the car I arrive a bit later, then you can get a space.”

Another parent said: “I think it’s a bit lazy, the way some people pull up can be a bit dangerous for the kids when they try to cross the road.”