A Great Lever pre-school has been recognised as "good" following its latest inspection.

All Smiles Pre-school received the rating after inspectors from regulator Ofsted visited in October.

This is the first time that the education watchdog has cast its eye over All Smiles following its registration in 2020.

The outcome has made managers and staff “extremely proud”.

The facility, which operates out of Rose Hill Church on Westbourne Avenue, was found to have a “well organised learning environment” which eager children explore all areas of.

Inspector Caroline Morton added: “Children are extremely well behaved and have formed exceptional relationships with the caring staff.

READ MORE: Devonshire Road Primary School rated good by Ofsted

“Children are wonderfully kind to staff and to one another. They can tell visitors what they are learning, and what they are good at, with confidence and pride.”

The provision was also recognised to promote children’s independence, and parents value the strong lines of communication and information sharing, “which means they feel included in their child's learning”.

Pre-school manager Vicky Richmond-Bailey said: “We are all extremely proud of our inspection report and feel that the wording really reflects our nursery and all the hard work that we put in every day.”

Vicky picked out elements of the report that she was particularly proud of, including the staff’s “excellent knowledge” of safeguarding, and the fact that parents commented that the setting is the “very best”.

READ MORE: Bolton College nursery rated 'good' by Ofsted

She also pointed to the sections of the report where Inspector Morton highlighted that the children are “wonderfully calm” and “giggle and squeal with delight”.

Another source of pride was the recognition that All Smiles’ support for children with special educational needs is “extremely good”.

The report also noted that the staff are well-trained and qualified and are quick to identify children's emerging needs and make swift referrals for support.

“This means that all children make very good progress in all areas,” Inspector Morton said.

Vicky added: “We would all like to thank all our parents for their lovely comments when speaking to the inspector and for their continued support for our nursery.

“I personally would like to thank my team for all their hard work and dedication.”

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