Lancashire golf coach Gareth Benson, based at Astley Driving Range, continues his exclusive online tutorial.

Rhythm And Timing

Rhythm, timing and balance are all key ingredients and are the glue that holds your swing together.

Although we all have our own swing tendencies, moving the key components in the correct order will help you maintain balance and create effortless power within your swing.

When you reach the very top of your backswing, you should feel the majority of your weight just on the inside of your right foot and the left shoulder under your chin.

2. As a trigger to start the downswing, feel as though your left hip pocket starts to make a slight lateral movement towards the target which naturally starts to unwind the shoulders and drops the arms and club down. Remember that the shoulders and arm react to the lower body starting down rather you trying to over control the club.

3. Although you can not expect to control the club consciously into the ball, it is vital that you re aware of the sequence of what is happening. How you strike the ball is a reaction to what has gone on before it.

Simply think of the hips being one, shoulders two and then the hands number three. The one, two three sequence will help you make a consistently smooth and powerful strike into the ball.