IT’S that time of week when we celebrate some of the finest places to go for a pint or a cheeky gin with family or friends.

We continue to put the spotlight on the best places in Bolton and this time have headed to the town centre.

Name of the pub:

The Old Three Crowns

Address of the pub:

14 Deansgate, Bolton

Landlord/landlady name:

Lisa Day

How long have you been the landlord/landlady for?

Nearly two years

Bar staff and their names:

Alex, Lisa, Himani, Amanda, Bragen, Leah

Give us some history about the pub:

The building has been part of the town’s heritage since the 18th century and has a beautiful stained glass front window. Since I’ve taken over the pub the customers say I have brought the pub back to life, it’s a real community pub and the staff are so welcoming, it’s a proper pub, just like they used to be.

Is food served? If so what’s on the menu?

No, the kitchen is currently closed but I’m looking to relaunch it in the spring. We do sell Ye Olde Pasties supporting the local business.

Is there a beer garden?

Yes, we have two very large beer gardens

Do you have any darts/snooker/pool teams?


Most popular drink served is:

Fosters, John Smiths and Strongbow. We have a large quantity of selected spirits

Most memorable moment at the pub:

The day the restrictions lifted and everyone could dance and sing. That was very emotional for everyone

Do you have an entertainment line-up?

We have Karaoke seven nights a week with different DJs

Have you faced any challenges within the industry?

Every day is a challenge keeping the pub running and looking outside the box for different ideas to keep the customers engaged.

The best thing about running a pub is...

Everything, I just love my job, the customers, the staff

The worst thing about running a pub is...

Not enough hours in the day

The perfect hangover cure is...

Have another! As the old saying goes, what makes you bad makes you better