Campaigners have welcomed measures to make a road on which a schoolgirl was knocked over safer.

Since the accident just over a year ago, residents have been campaigning for a crossing on Turton Road.

Now highways chiefs are set approve the installation of traffic island - with the possibility of more safety measures in the future.

The accident happened on Turton Road, Bromley Cross, near Shady Lane.

Kathryn Henderson created a petition calling for a pelican crossing not long after the accident, which achieved 2,529 signatures.

Following an assessment carried out, a report was presented to the Executive Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation Cllr Stuart Haslam, with the recommendation that no further action was required.

However, Cllr Haslam rejected the recommendation and called for a crossing facility at Turton Road between Chapeltown Road and Shady Lane to be looked at again.

And now a traffic island could be installed near the bridge on Shady Lane, which would cost £12k and come from the Area Forum.

Kathryn said: “I am really happy at the location of the crossing.

“Even though it is not a zebra crossing, it is better than nothing, and there is still the option to look at a zebra crossing.

“It’s not what everyone wanted, but it’s still a much safer option.”

Kathryn has praised ward councillors Cllr Nadim Muslim, Cllr Sam Connor, and Cllr Amy Cowen for continuing to support their campaign.

Cllr Muslim says that whilst it is not a full zebra crossing, it is a “step in the right direction” and it is hoped that the island will still help slow traffic down.

He said: “As the report highlights, there have been nearby incidents involving non-motorists and a crossing facility will go some way to minimising the risk of any future incidents.

“Ward councillors would now like to see more detailed proposals about what crossings are available and funds required, grants that may be available from the Council or TfGM to support a crossing, and timescales for installation.

“If we are only able to secure an island at this stage, providing it's fitted within a quick timeframe, then this will be acceptable on the understanding we work to a full crossing in the near future.

“It’s positive that the survey came back showing that there is a need for a crossing at that point of Turton Road.

“A lot of pupils cross around here and it is a popular street for crossing.

“Although the report doesn’t show that there is a need for a full zebra crossing, an island is a step in the right direction.

“The island will hopefully slow down the traffic and hopefully reduce their speed in the area, making it safe to cross.”

He did however say that himself and ward councillors Cllr Sam Connor and Cllr Amy Cowen would still like to see a full zebra crossing installed, which is under review.

Another campaigner said: “The news that we will finally be getting something to make it safer for people crossing, albeit it is not a full crossing, is still a win.

“The report says in the future they will be looking at potentially changing it to a full crossing, which is ideally what we want.

“I am grateful for the support given towards this goal from the community, all 2,500+ people who signed the petition, and the people who continued to chase the councillors.

“Hopefully, getting the crossing aid funded and installed will not take too much longer.”

The report states that the current pedestrian and vehicle flow does not meet the high threshold for a zebra crossing, and that previous considerations were given to a zebra crossing.

The report is expected to be discussed at Highways and Transport meeting next Monday.

If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.