A Bolton food business is organising sending cargo with essentials to Turkey after the earthquakes disaster.

The earthquakes, which struck Turkey and Syria last week, has left many people displaced, without homes, food or a way of surviving the cold nights.

With a death toll now surpassing 35,000 people, people are scrambling to save loved ones from the rubble of fallen buildings and the cold.

Tariq Mahmood, who runs Kinza Food Limited on Pilot Industrial Estate on Manchester Road, has decided to organise a donation to send to Turkey via Turkish Airlines.

Turkish Airlines will be sending cargo on a twice daily schedule every day, as Mr Mahmood drives supplies to a warehouse in Manchester, where it is collected.

The Bolton News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Mr Mahmood said: “I always do some kind of charity work if there is any disasters going on.

“This is a shock to everybody, so what little we can do, we decide to do it.

“We’ve had a good response from the people off Bolton, we’re showing our humanity in this time of need.”

Among items being donated are nappies, tinned food, hygiene essentials and clothes.

Turkish Airlines has redirected flights carrying volunteers and aid teams to the country to help rescue missions.

Mr Mahmood has seen such a huge response, that he is now having to turn people down until the team organises another donation pack.

Mr Mahmood is working with the North West Earthquake Campaign to send the donations.

Mr Mahmood said: “My phone has not stopped ringing since I put out the call for donations on Wednesday.

“I’m now packing everything and there will be enough for two vans to go down, we only thought there would be one car.”


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The drop off points for donations is at Kinza Foods Limited's base and people can ring Mr Mahmood regarding the next donation date on 07793 102407.