A girl was taken her to a field and asked her to perform sexual acts on him, a court had heard.

Issa Brayzi-Pour is on trial at Bolton Crown Court accused of sexual offences during two separate alleged incidents in Farnworth.

The offences are said to have taken place within two weeks of each other in Farnworth in the summer of last year.

Against the first victim, who was under 16, is alleged to have incident to have incited a child to have engaged in sexual activity and carried out a sexual assault.

And against the second woman, aged 70, he faces two counts of rape.

Brayzi-Pour, 21 and from Avondale Road, Wigan, who was living on

Longcauseway in Farnworth at the time denies all the charges against him.

The jury was shown a video recorded interview of the girl.

In it she said she approached a man and asked him for a cigarette in the summer last year.

She said he proceeded to lead her away to a field and offered to give her cigarettes in exchange for her performing sexual acts on him.

After this she said he asked her to have sex with him and he grabbed her and tried to drag her into a bush but after a struggle she screamed and was able to get away.

She said: “I said don’t do that, I am young, it is wrong, you are a paedo.”

She also told the police she would definitely recognise the person in question.

She was asked on the recording how it made her feel and said: “Like I wanted to stab him.

“I wanted to kill him.

“I felt angry, I was like ‘do not touch me.’”

The trial, before Recorder Andrew McLoughlin, continues.