Signing up for a subscription is as simple as one quick click, but when you find it time to end the subscription and are looking to cancel, you might find it a bit more complicated than you'd wish. 

The difficult cancellation process is the final step by organisations to make sure that you are sure you want to end the signup and are ready to wave goodbye. 

An example of this is the subscription to Amazon Prime, the membership that makes sure your parcel arrives within a day and gives you access to Prime Video for an extra fee. 

But keeping with tradition, it's a fairly long process to cancel Amazon Prime with continuous links and pages, but to make it simple for you, we've created a quick and handy guide. 

The Bolton News:

How to cancel an Amazon Prime Membership subscription

Step 1

The first step you'll want to do is make sure you are signed into your account, you can do this by clicking on Accounts & List where a Sign In option will appear, allowing you to fill in your details. 

Step 2

You will then need to open the Prime Membership page, you can do this using two ways. 

The first is to go to Account & Lists - Account-Prime or you can open Account & List - Prime Membership. 

Both these ways will take you to the Prime membership page where your details will also be. 

Step 3

The final step is to cancel your membership, all you need to do is head to the Manage Membership section and click Update, cancel and more. 

Then, select End membership at the bottom of the menu where Amazon will then flash a page asking if you are sure you want to cancel. 

You'll then get a pop-up showing your 'journey on Prime' with the choice to cancel, keep or remind me later in case you're not ready just yet. 

If you are ready to end the subscription, you can hit the cancel button. 

In Amazon's final attempt to keep your subscription, they will then ask if you want to go for the cheaper monthly option. 

Under the banner, there will be a Continue to Cancel button which will end the subscription and let you wave goodbye to the service.