New draft designs for the inside of one of Bolton's historic halls have been released as a project to bring it back into use move forward.

Rock Hall in Moses Gate has been empty since 2014 with the Grade II listed building suffering  significant deterioration.

In 2020  Banana Enterprise Network stepped forward to bring the hall, which was built in 1807, back into use for the community.

Now designs for the inside of the hall have been drawn up for once restoration works are complete.

A National Lottery Heritage Funding bid is being submitted to fund the works.

Under the plans, there will be an extension, a shop area at the front of the building and multipurpose activity rooms at the rear, a lift fitted, a cafe seating area at the front of the building and at the rear with a kitchen area.

The Bolton News: How the inside of Rock Hall should look according to plansHow the inside of Rock Hall should look according to plans (Image: Banana Enterprise Network)

There would be an outdoor terrace next to the hall also function rooms at the rear and offices/training rooms at the front.

The team is now  working  to submit a new full funding bid application for the National Lottery Heritage Fund after their Expression of Interest application was accepted.

Jayne Allman, CEO and founder of Banana Enterprise Network said: “We are so excited that our National Lottery Heritage Fund 'Expression of Interest'application for our £4m project has been accepted and we have now been invited to submit our full funding bid application.

“We are working in partnership with Bolton Council and aiming to submit the bid on May 24.

“This is a re-application to the Heritage Fund, after we were unsuccessful last year, due to more clarity being needed about the support from Bolton Council who currently own the Hall.

“Since then, we have been working together with the Council and we believe that our joint application is the strongest it can be. 

“We have been consulting with the public about our proposed designs for the Hall and so far, they have been very well received by people we have spoken to.  

“We propose to extend the Hall at the rear and have a glazed link between the old building and the new extension.

“A lift will be available for each floor of the Hall, and it will be fully accessible to everyone.  

The Bolton News: How Rock Hall should look according to plansHow Rock Hall should look according to plans (Image: Banana Enterprise Network)

“We are proposing to increase the size of the basement which will have a shop in the front area of the building and multipurpose activity rooms at the rear. 

“The ground floor will have two cafe seating areas, one at the front of the building looking out onto the lawns and also at the rear of the building looking out towards the children’s play area and landscape.

“There will be a kitchen area at the rear also on the ground floor.

“There would be an outdoor cafe terrace next to the hall also.

“The first floor of the building would have a function room at the rear, in the new build and offices/training rooms at the front in the existing building.

“Fingers crossed that the Heritage Fund say yes in September to the Development Phase of the project.

“Once that phase is completed, we can then apply for the Delivery Phase funding.”

Bolton Council’s Director of Place, Jon Dyson said: “As a council, we fully understand the importance of Rock Hall as a heritage asset, and we know how important it is to the local community.
“We fully supported Banana Enterprise Network with their previous bid, and it is encouraging to see that the revised bid has progressed to the next phase.”

For more information on Rock Hall, go to: