More than £1 million worth of Class A drugs were recovered from cars searched in Bolton over this weekend.

Four men and boys between the ages of 16 and 49 have been arrested in the wake of the drugs discoveries, which came when police stopped a “suspicious” car first on Chorley Old Road and then another on Victory Street on Saturday.

Officers say this could help seriously deter violence on the streets of Bolton.

Chief Inspector Justine Topping said: “Having additional resources available to deploy through Operation Venture means that we can tackle serious crimes robustly to make Bolton a safer place to live and work.

“The action last night highlights our endeavour to take illegal supply from our streets.

“Officers from Operation Venture are out and about every night working hard and patrolling hotspot areas to keep communities across Greater Manchester safe.

"If you see our officers out and about you can speak to them about any concerns you might have.

"We all have a part to play in fighting, preventing and reducing crime."

The first of the cars was searched after officers on patrol as part of Greater Manchester Police’s Operation Venture came across it parked on Chorley Road.

They then searched the people in the car under the misuse of drugs act and on further searches of the vehicle found snap bags of what appeared to be cocaine and around £1,000 in cash.

But a much bigger haul came when they then searched another car which officers stopped on Victory Street.

After searching the vehicle, three sealed packages were found in the boot, believed to be Class A drugs, around 10 kilos in weight with an estimated street value of £1m pounds.

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An image supplied by Greater Manchester Police shows a large amount of what appears to be drugs packed together.

All four people associated with the two vehicles have now been taken into custody ahead of further questioning by police.

Anyone concerned about drug crime or other forms of crime or anti-social behaviour in their communities can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.

Alternatively, witnesses can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.