One of the most fiercely fought battle grounds in this year’s local election unexpectedly changed colour last night as Labour displaced the Conservatives in Rumworth.

The Rumworth ward has turned into an all-Labour ward with Cllr Abdul Aziz-Atcha returning to his seat along with newly elected Amjid (Jack) Khan and Sajid Ali.

Power seems to have changed hands in Bolton as Labour overtook the Conservatives to form a new council with Cllr Nick Peel, with 26 seats over 16. 

Cllr Khan was joyous in his win and said he was hopeful that he could now turn Rumworth into a better place.

He said: “I am very happy with the results.

The Bolton News: Cllr Jack Khan

“We have worked hard, we have grafted and now we’re going to work on making Rumworth an amazing place.

“I am hopeful we can now deliver and do what is needed for the ward and for Bolton.”

Cllr Sajid Ali also brings a new face to the Rumworth Labour ward and vowed that together the new councillors would deliver to the ward what is needed.

He said: “I think the people of Bolton are speaking for us now.

“Now we can deliver and ensure that we will serve the people of the ward, and this comes from the heart.”

Cllr Atcha retained his seat in the ward and said he would continue to be proactive in Rumworth to ensure residents were supported in any way possible by aiming to reduce crime rates, fly-tipping and speeding in the area.

He said: “I am pleased with the results and it’s going to be good to work with my new colleagues that made this result possible.

“It was great to win last year but the challenges are big as well.

The Bolton News: Cllr Abdul Aziz Atcha

“I want to tackle speeding, fly-tipping and high crime in Rumworth and I will do this by getting involved with the community and spending time with people to listen to their requests.”

Conservative MP Chris Green expressed his concern at the conservative’s potential loss early on.

He said: “All out elections are always difficult and with so many independent parties too.

“I am concerned for the future of the council, knowing it is better run when it’s conservative led.”

Labour’s majority in Rumworth has been a huge loss for the Conservative party, who saw similar losses all night including in Little Lever and Darcy Lever, where new Cllr Liam Barnard ousted Conservative Fred Khan.

Elsewhere in the early hours of the morning at Bolton Arena, where the count was held, new Cllr Sean Fielding took a stand to support people in the cost-of-living crisis.