Another appeal has been launched against the latest decision by the council to refuse plans to extend a home in Harwood.

The occupants of a property on Hardy Mill Road had sought permission for a three-storey extension to the rear of their home.

Plans for the move were rejected beforehand and another application was once against launched.

Under the new proposals the side extension was reduced in height by 800m, the length of it was reduced by 400m and it was pulled back from the road.

The applicants argued then that the changes meant it would not lead to “unacceptable harm to the dwelling".

They also said there were “varying typologies and heights” in the “predominantly residential” areas which surround it.

The applicants also said in response to Covid there was a “national need for more and better housing stock” and permitted development rights had been relaxed as a result.

However, the revised plans were once again rejected in January this year.

A statement from planning officers said: “The increase in width and height will result in a significant change to the scale and massing of the dwelling, resulting in a building with an altogether different built form and appearance to the existing.

“It is considered that the extension would not be subordinate to or in proportion with the existing house and would appear incongruous with existing dwelling and the street scene.”

Planning officers said more reductions to the extension which was being proposed may have brought it into territory which could be accepted.

But they said the applicants had declined to provide a plan outlining this.

They said: “Officers have suggested to the applicant that the proposal could be made acceptable through a significant reduction in height, however the applicant has declined to submit amended plans and has instead provided a document containing further justification for why the extension should be allowed.

“Having reviewed this, officers are still of the opinion that the proposed extension is contrary to policy.

“In conclusion it is considered that the proposal would not be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing and architecture.”

A appeal has now been launched against the decision by the council to reject the latest plans.