A new fruit orchard will be taking root this weekend as volunteers go out tree planting.

Bolton Council approached City of Trees to transform an area of Tonge Park Avenue that used to be home to a flower garden and now is just mown grass.

The council will provide the funding for 15 fruit trees, a mix of apple, pear, plum and damson as well as engaging people to help with the planting.

The team will also be planting fruit bushes.

A spokesman for City Of Trees said: “We will be making sure that the trees are being watered over these especially hot months but it would be good to get across that everyone can play their part with trees in their area by watering them, especially in the face of the climate emergency.”

The Bolton News: Trees

This will create a place for people to come together and promote healthy lifestyles including the benefits of fresh produce and outdoor exercise.

City of Trees have also taken part in fruit tree pruning training and upskilling local community groups and residents so that they can look after the fruit trees for years to come.

City of Trees plant trees, look after trees and promote a culture of trees across Greater Manchester where they are the community forest for the region.

The aim is to create better, greener places, to boost health and wellbeing - to enhance green skills, and to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergency.