A Bolton care worker has been elected to the highest levels of the country’s biggest trade union.

Public sector union Unison announced this week that Christine Collins is amongst the workers from all over the country elected to their national executive community.

She joins fellow Bolton member, social worker Andrea Egan, who has just come to the end of her time as the union’s national president.

Ms Collins said: “I’m delighted to have been elected and have the opportunity to represent the interests of union members at a national level.

“Public service workers face huge pressures due to 13 years of government austerity and a cost-of-living crisis they simply didn’t create.

The Bolton News: Bolton Unison member Andrea EganBolton Unison member Andrea Egan (Image: Newsquest)

“More than ever we need a strong and effective union to face the challenges of the 21st Century for the sake of our public services and future generations.

“Whether it’s fighting to secure backpay or defending rights at work, I know that together we can make a real difference. I would just like to say a massive thanks to everyone who has given me such amazing support.”

The national executive elections are held every year and make up the union’s main decision making body.

Ms Collins has already severed as acting secretary for the union’s Bolton branch, which represents council and school workers all across the borough.

Her election comes at a busy time for the union, which is currently balloting thousands of workers across different sectors to take strike action in support of an improved pay claim and to help workers cope with the mounting cost of living crisis.

The newly elected executive member is one of several leading officials to have called for workers to support action.

ALSO READ: Thousands of school and council workers to vote on strike over pay

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Speaking when the ballots were announced, Ms Collins said: “After years of government austerity we now have a cost of living crisis that council and school workers did not create.

“We are calling on our members to vote yes to industrial action.

“No one wants to take action but as a trade union we have to keep focussed on fighting for our members.

“Hopefully the employers will see sense and come back to the negotiating table with an improved offer.”