Office space in the middle of a town centre is set to be transformed into new flats as part of plans to create more housing in the heart of Horwich.

The plans, which have now been given the green light by Bolton Council, will see three new self-contained apartments and a second-floor extension created on Lee Lane, Horwich.

They will be developed above a shop, which will also be included in the proposed redevelopment works.

A Bolton Council report said: “The proposed development would create three self-contained apartments, which would be a net gain of two residential units.

The Bolton News: The plans have been approved by Bolton CouncilThe plans have been approved by Bolton Council (Image: HFS Architectural Services)

“The core strategy seeks to concentrate new housing development in Horwich town centre, therefore the proposed development is considered to accord with the development plan.”

It added: “It is not considered that the proposed development would unduly harm the amenity of neighbouring residents.

“It is also considered, despite the size of apartment one, that the proposed development would also provide adequate amenity standards for the future residents.”

The Bolton News: Changes have also been proposed to the front of the shopChanges have also been proposed to the front of the shop (Image: Google Maps)

As well as creating the flats, the plans also include installing a new shop front, replacing windows and adding a balcony, all of which the developers say will contribute to a modernised look.

The Bolton Council report said: “The only change proposed to shop front would be the installation of a new doorway for the apartments on the right-hand side.

“Following initial concerns from the council’s design and conservation officer, the right-hand side pilaster is not to be affected by the proposal and will be retained.

“The rhythm of the existing pilasters is therefore maintained.”

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The developers behind the Lee Lane project say that they hope it will have a knock-on effect for the rest of the nearby area in Horwich town centre.

A statement said: “Retaining and modernizing the commercial element on the ground floor will help the building keep its original character and serve the area more comprehensively.

“The owners wish to carry out a full refurbishment and maintenance to finish the building to a hi-spec, with an up-to-date look.”

The plans were first put before Bolton Council on Monday April 24 this year and were approved on Friday June 16.

This means that work on converting the flats can now go-ahead.