The duo behind Northern’s new on-board announcements have appealed to customers to ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ if they’ve mispronounced a station.

Peter Corley and Laura Palmer have pledged to return to the studio and re-record any station name that customers believe doesn’t respect local pronunciation.

Peter said: “Whilst every effort was made to get them right first time, we know how proud people across the North of England are of their regional dialect.

“Who knows how long these recordings will be in the system, so now’s your chance to correct us if we’ve got it wrong.”

The pair both work for Northern and were asked to front the new announcements after being urged by colleagues.

The Bolton News: Peter Corley

Peter is a conductor based in York and Laura is Northern’s cyber security and compliance manager.

Whilst this is their first official ‘voiceover’ work, Corley has some previous experience having served in the army as a radio operator before joining Northern in 2019.

Roll-out of the new recordings began last month, with all trains in Northern’s fleet set to be using them in a matter of weeks.

If the audio of your local station doesn’t sound quite right, please contact Northern on Twitter (@northernassist) or via Facebook Messenger (