Bolton's MPs were not among those who voted for a report which said Boris Johnson lied about parties at No 10 over the course of the pandemic.

Neither Chris Green, Mark Logan nor Yasmin Qureshi voted for the report after several hours of debate at the House of Commons on Monday.

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Ultimately, 354 MPs supported the recommendations of the Privileges Committee, which recommended Mr Johnson should have no pass to access the Houses of Parliament as is available to ex-members. It said the former Prime Minister would have a three-month suspension if he had not resigned on June 12 already.

However, Mr Green, Mr Logan and Ms Qureshi were not among them. The Bolton News approached the area's representatives for their reasons.

The Bolton News: Boris Johnson. Pictures by Danny Crompton

Mr Green, the MP for Bolton West, said: "My concern is not the committee or its conclusion, which I support. My concern is the internal process of parliament takes precedence over the constituency democracy on which our system is based.

"I believe Members of Parliament are put in for the whole of their term and any internal process of Parliament challenges the decision made in a constituency and gives power to people who are not accountable."

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Mr Green added: "At my meetings in my constituency I told people I believed [Mr Johnson] lied. 

"I resigned from a position in his government [in 2020]. I didn't need to vote for a report to do this."

The Bolton News: ALLIES: The Prime Minister with Bolton West MP Chris Green, left, and Bolton North East MP Mark Logan, right

Like his Conservative Party colleague, Mr Logan resigned from a position in Mr Johnson's government in 2022.

The MP for Bolton North East said: "Mr Johnson has lost his premiership, his parliamentary seat and his credibility, and the tragedy is he brought this punishment upon himself. 

"I appreciate there will be passionate views from differing perspectives irrespective of what I say. We now need to move on from this episode and continue to get behind Rishi Sunak as the UK tackles economic pressures such as inflation and the cost of living."

Ms Qureshi was not in attendance as she was campaigning in Mr Johnson's seat of Uxbridge ahead of the by-election prompted by his resignation.

The MP for Bolton South East said: "It is unprecedented for a former Prime Minister to be found to have misled his peers on a number of occasions. He has shown no contrition for his behaviour through coronavirus and his comments calling the committee a ‘kangaroo court’ were shameful.

"I did not attend the vote as I was out making the case for a Labour Government to the people of Uxbridge. As you can see from the result the Labour Party were committed to supporting the Privileges Committee."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.