Concerns have been raised that £1m improvement works on a notorious Bolton "junction of doom" have not "achieved much" as a right-turn filter arrow and cameras had not been included in the scheme.

Motorists faced months of misery while improvement works took place on the junction of Blackburn Road, Astley Bridge.

Ward councillor Hilary Fairclough said that the Blackburn Road and Moss Bank Way junction has been a “nightmare” for the past 12 months.

Residents voiced concerns at a recent PACT  - Police and Communities Together  meeting - that they did not feel, what they call, the “junction of doom” had achieved anything, especially with there not being a filter for turning right from Moss Bank Way to Blackburn Road.

Cllr Fairclough said: “It’s a huge disappointment that the alleged all singing all dancing junction didn’t have cameras.

The Bolton News:

“Residents and drivers have endured a horrendous time with tailbacks and travel time increasing massively.

“Accidents became an everyday occurrence, sadly including one fatality, yet none of the so called improvements were what users were calling for, such as safer travel turning right from Moss Bank Way and cameras to catch red light jumping, lane changing and general poor driving.”

There is however a left-hand filter for travelling up Blackburn Road or Belmont Road, and a right hand filter from Crompton Way going up Blackburn Road.

Cllr Fairclough says she has been asking for a meeting with Transport for Greater Manchester to discuss these issues, and she is hoping this may be reconsidered.

She added: “Why are the people who use these things the least consulted and subject to a ‘we know best’ mentality, £1m to achieve so little.”

The scheme is a junction improvement at the junction of Blackburn Road, Crompton Way and Moss Bank Way, at a cost of £1m, funded by the GM Growth Deal Fund.

It involved alterations to the junction arrangement and the provision of a dedicated left turn lane from Moss Bank Way onto Blackburn Road.

The aim of the scheme was designed to reduce congestion and improve safety at the junction and provide better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.