Plans have been lodged to build two new detached bungalows on vacant land in Bolton.

If approved the houses will be built off Ashes Drive in Breightmet on an area currently occupied by greenery, trees and plants.

The bungalows will be fully detached and designed to fit in with the rest of the area.

A statement from the developers said: “The most common house types surrounding the area are bungalows mainly located towards the north and east of the site.”

It added: “The scheme aims to reflect and enhance the existing character of the street in which it sits but at the same time keeping with the materiality of the neighbouring properties.

The Bolton News: The land is currently occupied by greeneryThe land is currently occupied by greenery (Image: Google Maps)

“The predominance of the red brick is a feature that fits in well to the character of the street with subtle stonework render.”

The developers have also pointed out that the area is well served by nearby transport links with Bolton town centre only around three miles away.

It is also well served by school and NHS facilities as well as other public services.

Bolton Council’s highways authority have already looked at the plans to see what effect they would have on traffic and road safety in the area.

The Bolton News: The plans were put before Bolton CouncilThe plans were put before Bolton Council (Image: 1618)

A statement said: “The level of additional traffic impact associated with two additional properties at this location will be minimal and should be accommodated with little additional detriment/severity to road safety, amenity and the operational capacity of the surrounding highway network.

“The level of in-curtledge parking provision appears compliant with the Councils residential parking standards to support the level of development.

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“On this basis, no reasonable objections on highway grounds to what is being proposed under this application.”

The plans were first put before Bolton Council on Wednesday August 2 and will be open for neighbourhood consultations until Wednesday August 23.

This will give people living nearby on Ashes Drive, Brantwood Drive and Torver Drive the chance to have their say on the plans.

After the consultation period has passed Bolton Council will then aim to decide whether or not to approve the plans by Wednesday September 27 this year.