An appeal has been launched against the decision by Bolton Council to reject plans for an extension to a home in Bromley Cross.

The owner of a property on Delph Brook Way sought permission to add a two storey extension to it.

The applicants said the property was a linked detached family dwelling with three bedrooms.

However objectionswere made to plans to change the building.

One person said in a letter that it would turn a “small family home into a property twice its size.”

Another said there was evidence of a hedgehog highway and roosting birds on the site and the development could lead to a potential loss of biodiversity.

Concerns were also raised that a tree and hedging to the front of the property would have to be removed.

Officers from Bolton Council considered the application would not be acceptable.

They said in a report: “The proposed two storey side extension would result in a 94 per cent increase in the size of the property and would measure 8.6 metres at the highest.

“Given its prominent location on a higher ground level to the highway and neighbouring properties to the south, it is considered that the proposal would appear over dominant and incongruous within the street scene.

“The extension whilst reflecting the design of the existing dwelling would be disproportionate to the main dwelling and would not appear subordinate or subservient and would not be in keeping with other properties along the row.”

The plans were rejected in May this year.

The decision also said applicants had not provided enough information about what would happen to a protected beech tree if the plans were approved.

However an appeal has now been launched by the applicants against this decision.

The appeal has been launched this week, three months after the council rejected the original plans.