Police responded to several calls in Bolton last night as part of an anti-social behaviour clampdown.

Officers visited Smithills after reports a group of youths were being abusive towards residents but upon attending, nobody was found and there were no other issues in the area.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: “A bit of a cooler evening for the Bolton North Neighbourhood Team today.

“We have again been patrolling the Bolton area and responding to reports of anti-social behaviour.

“Some of the incidents we have attended this evening - We started off the shift in Smithills, responding to a report from local residents that a group of youths were causing a nuisance and being abusive towards residents.

The Bolton News: GMP in Bolton

“An area search was conducted and no trace of the youths but no further issues.”

Officers then went to Breightmet to assist with a vulnerable man and later responded to reports a taxi driver’s car had been damaged by some youths.

A spokesman for police said: “We then headed over to Breightmet to assist the Initial Response team in locating a male in Leverhulme Park.

“The male was located and is receiving support.

“Still in Breightmet, we received a call from a taxi driver that youths had damaged his vehicle.”

The youths were not found but CCTV enquiries are being conducteded to try and identify those responsible.

It was then over to Lostock following a call from a care home that someone had been banging on their door and windows.

A police spokesman said: “No one was located within the grounds and staff were reassured. “Finally, we finished off the evening with an alarm activation in Astley Bridge. Thankfully, it appeared to be a false alarm and the shop was all in order. Safe4Summer will continue over the weekend.”

Safe4Summer is a campaign from GMP looking at deterring anti-social behaviour in Bolton.