Autumn has been brought sharply into focus by members of our Bolton News Camera Club.

They have captured the striking  warm colours as the season changes at some of Bolton's most glorious beauty spots.

It is the time of year when the leaves start to change colour, days become shorter and there is a chill in the air.

But it is also the perfect season for long walks.

Amanda Jayne captured the essence of autumn in the picture of berries below.

The Bolton News:

During the autumn months traditional fruit and vegetables ready for harvesting are apples, pears, plums, squash, and leaks.

Breathtaking views of the sun setting at Doffcocker Lodge reflect the beautiful soft colours of the season.

The Bolton News:

It is a season enjoyed for its festive celebrations including Halloween, Bonfire Night, and Diwali.

Other highlights during the season include seeing hedgehogs, barn owls, red deers, and more squirrels.

Wonderful autumn walks include Smithills Estate, which is part of the Woodland Trust has more than 1,000 woods which are free to visit and open every day.
Among them is Smithills Estate in Bolton.
Smithills is the Woodland Trust’s largest site, steeped in history and shadowed by the famous Winter Hill TV mast, with panoramic views across to Bolton and Manchester. 

Walkders really be able to stretch your legs here in its vast expanses of moorland, patches of woodland and peat bog.

And keep your eyes peeled for the elusive brown hare on the horizon.

The Autumn Equnox starts in September and symbolises the end of summer.

This year it will take place in the UK on Saturday, 23 of September at 7.49am. 

Autumn begins on September 1 and ends on November 30.


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