Bolton’s branch of Wilko is set to close for good next week, reports have said.

Following an administration process that shocked staff and customers alike that saw several rescue bids proposed, the closure has now been confirmed.

Staff at the Deansgate store were told on Monday afternoon that the branch would close on Thursday, September 21, according to Bolton South East MP Yasmin Qureshi.

She said: “It is a huge blow that the final date for closure is September 21, my thoughts are with the staff at the Bolton branch.

“I know that support will be given from the GMP and Bolton Council to help them find new roles.

“I hope that the administrators ensure that the best possible exit package is given to those hardworking staff members.”

Wilko first announced earlier this summer that it was going into administration.

Only last week it had appeared that the Deansgate branch had been saved from closure after it was not included in a list of 53 stores around the country that administrators PwC said were set for closure.

But it now appears that the relief was only temporary.

For Bolton’s high street, the closure will come as another bitter blow particularly after the loss of Marks and Spencer earlier this year.

This comes after the GMB union, which represents workers at Wilko, claimed that all 400 branches around the country were set to close by early October.

If so this will mean around 12,500 redundancies all around the country.

GMB national officer Nadine Houghton said: “This isn’t a tragedy without cause.

Wilko should have thrived in a bargain retail sector that is otherwise strong, but it was run into the ground by the business owners.

ALSO READ: Wilko shoppers told 'everything must go'

ALSO READ: Wilko reveals fate of Bolton branch as more than 50 stores set to close

ALSO READ: Bolton leaders call on crisis-hit Wilko to protect 'loyal, hardworking' staff

“Money was siphoned out of the business for dividends, warnings about what needed to be done to save the business were not heeded and advice around what the business had to do to thrive was not listened to.

“No worker caused the downfall of Wilko but they will be the ones who will suffer, all as the owners get off scot-free.

“GMB will not stop campaigning for the owners of this debacle to be held to account.”

PwC have now confirmed the store will be closing on September 21.

Joint administrator Zelf Hussain said: “Despite the significant and intensive efforts of both ourselves and Putman Investments, the remaining party interested in buying a significant part of the business as a going concern, a transaction could not be progressed due to the inability to reduce central infrastructure costs quickly enough to make a deal commercially viable.

"The dedication shown by all team members during this period has been hugely humbling and we are grateful for the patience and understanding they have shown.

"As with those who have already been given notice of redundancy, we will guide and support those team members impacted over the coming weeks through the redundancy claims process."

"We also continue to collaborate closely with relevant agencies and engage with any potential employers to help facilitate a quick return into new employment for those impacted.

“We continue to work with potential buyers for different parts of the business and are confident of completing transactions in the coming days.”