Brits are being urged to adopt these six 'natural' cleaning tips to keep spiders away this Autumn.

Our eight-legged friends ( or foes)  have already begun scurrying into our homes for Spider season ( try not to panic!).

When is spider mating season?

Spiders usually start to come out in early September, with their presence noticeable in homes until around mid-October. After this, they tend to be spotted indoors less often.

Female spiders are known to stay in one place for all of their lives, but males are always on the move.

During spider mating season, the males will go searching for females and often find them inside homes, which is why you may notice more of them over the next couple of months.

In the UK, there are more than 650 different species of spider and while all of them can bite, only 12 can cause harm to humans.

Money, cellar and lace web spiders will likely be seen more frequently over the coming weeks, as well as house spiders, which is one of the UK’s biggest spiders.

The males of this species can grow up to a terrifying 10cm across the leg span, although this is the top end of the scale, with their size depending on how much they have eaten.

After mating, the female will lay eggs and the male will usually die.

But don't fret if you're less than a fan of the creepy crawlies, there are some natural and cost-effective remedies you can try out that will help keep them at bay.

Car and van leasing company Vanarama, have shared natural deterrents to help keep creepy crawlies out of your home and vehicle this spider season. 

The Bolton News: Car and van leasing company Vanarama, have shared natural deterrents to help keep creepy crawlies out of your home and vehicle this spider season. ( Getty Images)Car and van leasing company Vanarama, have shared natural deterrents to help keep creepy crawlies out of your home and vehicle this spider season. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

How to keep spiders out of your home and car

1. A makeshift essential oil spray can help keep spiders away 

The first way to stop spiders from entering your car, is to mix some essential oils in with water and spray the solution around your car.

Spiders don’t like scents such as peppermint, cedar, lavender and eucalyptus, according to Vanarama.

The team suggests putting these scents together, or picking their favourite to spray over the interiors of their homes and cars.

They added:" You may have these scents around the house already, but you can pick these up from local stores and pharmacies if you need to find them quickly.

"While it's unclear why arachnids don’t like these scents, they smell and taste through their legs so walking through these in your car would deter them from staying". 

2. Add some cinnamon sticks to your door

Just in time for Autumn, the team has also recommended using another strong scent - cinnamon.

Vanarama continued:"The time of year is approaching for this festive favourite, so why not get it in early to keep spiders out of your car, and save a few extra for decorations and drinks for when the weather changes and the cold nights creep in.

One of the easiest ways to do this, according to Vanarama, by decorating with cinnamon sticks which is ideal option for people who don’t like the smell of essential oils. 

3. Buy a citrus air freshener

It's said that spiders aren’t a fan of citrus or citronella, too.

At home, you can use citrus or citronella candles and in your car,  you can use air freshener equivalents.

Vanarama went on to say: "A citrus air freshener would set you back as little as £1.99, depending on the scent and brand you go for.

"If you really want to deter them, feel free to add as many as you like. Just make sure these aren’t in your eyeline to distract you from driving". 

4. Keep your house and car clean both inside and out 

Cleaning in and outside your house is also key to make sure that you aren’t attracting spiders.

The team suggests regularly tidying and cleaning your home and car and removing any food so as not to attract spiders but also the food that spiders are a fan of, such as flies.

For the exterior of your house and car, you should watch for cobwebs that may form on areas such as near your wing mirror.

Spiders are attracted to damp areas, so after cleaning make sure to dry surfaces. 

Vanarama suggests using a car cover to deter spiders overnight.

The Bolton News: White vinegar is a great natural and cheap method for making sure your car is clean, which you can buy for as little as £1.20 in a spray bottle. ( Getty Images)White vinegar is a great natural and cheap method for making sure your car is clean, which you can buy for as little as £1.20 in a spray bottle. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

5. Use £1.20 white vinegar to clean your car and stop spiders

Vanarama also recommends using white vinegar since it is "a great natural and cheap method" for making sure your house and car are clean.

The team added:"Leave it in a small bowl in the car to neutralise odours, while also giving a smell the spiders won’t enjoy.

"Or use the white vinegar spray whilst cleaning the interior of your car.

"If you don’t want the smell of vinegar to linger in your car afterwards be sure to use a citrus car air freshener as mentioned above to combat this."

6. Make sure your doors and boot are closed fully 

This one goes without saying, but it’s best to make sure your doors and windows are fully closed when you aren’t in your house and car.

This is not just from a safety perspective and to stop spiders from entering.

If you are cleaning or doing some maintenance, close any doors or windows you aren’t using, to avoid extra ways for them to sneak in.