Police pulled over a luxury sportscar after spotting the window tint.

The black Lamborghini was stopped on a junction of the M62.

A spokesman for North West Motorway Police said: "Lamborghini stopped off j7 M62, window tints of 21 per cent, dealt with accordingly."

According to the Highway Code the rules for tinted front windscreens and front side windows depend on when the vehicle was first used.


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There are no rules for tinting the rear windscreen or rear passenger windows.

For vehicles first used on April 1 1985 or later the front windscreen must let at least 75 per cent of light through and the front side windows must let at least 70 per cent of light through.


It’s illegal to fit or sell glass (or a vehicle already fitted with glass) that breaks the rules on tinted windows.

The police or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) vehicle examiners use light measuring equipment to measure window tint.

If the windscreen or front side windows are tinted too much the driver could get a ‘prohibition notice’ stopping them using your vehicle on the road until you have the extra tint removed or a penalty notice or court summons.