Litter pickers have expressed concern about the number needles discarded in Bolton, saying it is a health hazard for people and animals.

Andy Capstick from the Litter Pickers of Astley Bridge group shared pictures from Topp Way in Bolton as well as in Rumworth and Halliwell of the needles left lying on the streets.

Heaps of needles can be seen in the pictures among other rubbish.

Andy said: “We find it all the time because it’s all over Bolton especially in the centre of the town.

“It’s all over the woodland areas and there are always needles on top of the walls on Topp Way with all the rubbish like bottles and things.

The Bolton News: Needles and fly-tipping

“It’s just what this town is becoming.

“We have a massive drugs problem here and it’s depressing, and I do not even go into town unless I need to use the bank.”

It is the eighth time Andy says he has cleared Topp Way of needles since he last cleared it in June.

Andy said: “I take pictures to make a statement so people can see it.

“I want people to see what real Bolton is like, how bad it has become for drugs.

“And I do not clean it for the people, I do it for the animals.

“Why should they live among the needles?

The Bolton News: Needles and fly-tipping

“We are out there cleaning up and you have people leaving mess like this without giving anything back to society.”

Drug users are usually given Sharps boxes, but they are not always used as Andy explained he saw a few, but most needles were not safely deposited in one.

Andy said: “They are supposed to put the needles in it and not leave it dumped but not everyone does that.

“We even see needles with no caps on them.”

Labour councillor for Queens Park and Central, Cllr Akhtar Zaman said: “Fly-tipping is a problem for residents and the council is doing everything it can to address the issues.”