A police officer who helped to save the life of a man who was stabbed in the chest has been recognised.

PC Sarah Lewis was the first to arrive at the serious stabbing incident in Radcliffe in August.

PC Lewis, a Bury response officer,  administered emergency first aid that she had learnt during her Greater Manchester Police (GMP) training, helping to stem the bleeding while she waited for paramedics.

The victim needed emergency surgery and is now recovering.

PC Lewis has now received a Chief Constable’s Commendation in the latest GMP Long Service, Retirement and Awards Ceremony held at Hough End.

She said: “It is always nice to receive recognition for your work, and to receive recognition from the very top of the force is extra special.

“However, the biggest and best reward is knowing my actions have probably helped to save a man's life.

“I am just grateful that I was there to help him in his time of need and that I’d had the first aid training to be able to help him.

“I will always be grateful for the training I’ve had, as a man is probably alive because of it.

“When I look back and watch the footage, it all feels a bit surreal that I acted so quickly and remained composed.”

Two men have since been arrested in connection with the incident.

PC Lewis, who has been with GMP for close to two-and-half years, added: “I joined GMP because I wanted to have a job that enables me to make a difference in the community.

“I enjoy the teamwork as me and my colleagues can support each other during difficult incidents like this one. Also, I love the fact that every day is different.”

Bury Chief Inspector Michael Barton praised PC Lewis’ life-saving actions.

He said: “PC Lewis deserves every credit for utilising her training to help save a man’s life.

“Had she not established the need for a full examination of the casualty and then doing everything she could to stem the heavy bleeding before paramedics arrived, it is highly likely that the man would not be with us today.

“PC Lewis did herself, the Bury district and GMP as a whole proud that day and thoroughly deserves her Chief Constable’s Commendation.”