Grants of hundreds of pounds will be available to community groups all over Bolton to help them tackle “violence and aggression” among young people.

This comes as part of a month long series of initiatives aimed at tackling knife crime in particular among youngsters in Bolton.

This will be marked by the arrival of the “Knife Angel” sculptor in the town on November 1, according to council cabinet member for stronger communities Cllr Rabiya Jiva.

She said: “Community engagement is also extending across the whole borough, with community groups in all our neighbourhoods able to access grants of up £500 to help facilitate engagement in our communities around the theme of aggression and violence.”

The Bolton News: Cllr Rabiya Jiva addressing a meeting of Bolton CouncilCllr Rabiya Jiva addressing a meeting of Bolton Council (Image: Bolton Council)

She added: “A number of groups working with young people have expressed an interest in applying for this already, with support provided from our community support team.”

Knife crime has been a long running issue in Bolton with 1.5 weapon possession offences per 1000 of the population.

The Knife Angel, also know as National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, was designed to highlight the human cost of people using knives and was designed out of around 10,000 seized blades.

The sculptor tours around the country, with this November chosen as Bolton’s turn after this was signed off by the council’s previous leadership.

Cllr Jiva, who’s role includes policing and public safety, said that there would be a range of events and performances planned to coincide with the Knife Angel’s time in Bolton between November 1 and 30.

She said: “A full schedule featuring a calendar of events will be available and will be circulated shortly as the last few activities and details of the closing ceremony are confirmed.”

Cllr Jiva had been responding at a town hall meeting to a question put by Cllr Amy Cowen of Bromley Cross.

She had asked what kinds of workshops and programmes had been in place for young people over this month.

ALSO READ: The Knife Angel to be brought to Bolton town centre to show impact of violent crime

ALSO READ: Bolton Police warn knife carriers as violent hot spots targeted

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Cllr Cowen said: “The previous administration signed off on the Knife Angel sculpture coming to Bolton for the month of November 2023.

"The Knife Angel was created as part of the National Youth Anti-Violence Education Programme.

“It is a sculpture made from over 100,000 seized blades and was created ‘to highlight the negative effects of violent behaviour whilst solidifying our critical need for social change.

“Not only does the Angel act as a catalyst for turning the tide on violent and aggressive behaviour but it also acts as a beautiful memorial designed to celebrate those lives lost through violence."