A volunteer from Bolton has hit out after being told by the council there were no gloves available for litter picking.

Peter Brabin is out with others regularly goes out to help make the borough a cleaner place.

On a recent trip they picked up 140 bags of rubbish.

But earlier this month he was told there were no gloves available from the council.

After messaging a contact to request these he was told they were not available.

A worker from the council responded to his request by saying: “Unfortunately not, I can’t due to budget reasons and liability issues, potential allergies and latex rubber.”

Mr Brabin said: “I feel very bitter about it.

“We are doing all this work for them.

“On a recent job in Croal Street we picked up human faeces.

“On another job we picked up 140 bags.

“They say we may be allergic to latex rubber I think we're more allergic to the detritus we pick not having the protection.”

A spokesperson for Bolton Council said there were unable to supply “unlimited quantities.”

They said: “The council allocates funds to support and grow the volunteering network, and this includes providing essential equipment to the various groups.

“Through UK Shared Prosperity Funding we have provided more financial support to volunteering groups than ever before.  

“However, we are unable to supply unlimited quantities of gloves and other equipment such as bags, litter pickers and hoops.”

They added: “We continue to assess what support we can sustainably provide.”