A number of people from Bolton have been penalised for breaching the speed limit on motorways – including one who went at 120mph.

Drivers who go over the speed limit can expect three points and a £100 fine.

But people who go far in excess can expect a harsher penalty.

The following people from Bolton have been before magistrates courts in the past four months for breaching the 70mph national speed limit.

Mohammed Saddiqui drove a Volkswagen on the M62 in Brighouse at 120mph.

The 24-year-old carried out the offence in July last year.

He entered a guilty plea to the offence at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court.

Saddiqui, from Harvest Park, Bolton, was fined £162, ordered to pay further costs of £250 and given six points on his licence.

Mohammed Marothi drove at 100mph on the M62 in Huddersfield in August this year in a Volkswagen Golf.

The 25-year-old admitted the offence at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court.

Marothi, from Crompton Way, Bolton, was fined £180 and given six points on his licence.

He was also ordered to pay costs of £162.

Anthony Aldred drove at 81mph on the M5 in South Gloucestershire in February this year while driving a Ford.

The man from Gargrave Avenue admitted the offence at Bath Magistrates Court.

The 38-year-old was fined £72, ordered to pay further costs of £28 and given three points on his licence.

Zahir Mulla drove at 81mph on the M62 in Leeds while driving a BMW in February this year.

The 39-year-old admitted the offence at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court.

Mulla, from Ash Lawns, Bolton, was fined £264, ordered to pay further costs of £194 and given three points on his licence.