The Knife Angel has certainly got people talking with many stopping to take photos of the impressive 27-foot structure.

It is made from over 100,000 seized blades, is in place in Deansgate to send out a powerful message against knife crime.

It was installed in the town centre this morning as part of a tour around the UK.

We spoke to visitors to Bolton town centre to find out what they thought.

Almost all of the people asked agreed the statue sent out a powerful message and should make an impact.

Glenys Critchley said: “Overall I feel it looks absolutely wonderful and it’s so sad that it has to be made from all the knives that have been taken from people but hopefully it helps that they are off the streets.

“I find it quite emotional looking at it. Hopefully it will be helpful for Bolton”.

Another bystander added: “I just think it’s fantastic as a statue and very poignant. Hopefully it will do a lot with knife crime in Bolton.”

Most people were hopeful that the message of the statue would encourage those who carry knives to put them down.

Tom Gee stated: “If [the statue] changes one person's life then how many more can it change.”

Alma Hinder: “It's absolutely fabulous. Hopefully more people will surrender knives in the future and not carry them in the first place.”

The artistry behind the statue is what divided opinion but the bulk thought that the haunting structure was a powerful symbol of the terrifying reality of knife crime.

Dan Clouston said: “The statue itself has a concerned look and it’s reaching out as if it's offering support or that it's in pain.

“Just having this reminder just to people in general, especially the younger generation that has seen a spike in people carrying knives because it makes them feel safe but it carries on the problem.”

Louise Ogden added: “It’s impressive. It’s stunning and I’m glad they have done something beautiful in a haunting manner. I suppose what we know would have caused a lot of harm.”

For some, the impact of knife crime on their lives meant viewing the statue was an emotional experience.

Louise Ogden said: “I know personally of a girl who was a victim of knife crime, her sister is working to prevent knife crime so thinking about her standing here makes me emotional.

“I’ve got a 17 year old daughter, I won’t let her out playing with her friends because I’m scared and I do know how bad it is.”

A special event marking the monument's arrival will take place today at 2pm, with a launch event that will involving representatives from Bolton Council, VCSFE sector, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, Youth Voices, Youth MPs and The Mayor of Bolton, amongst others, take part in speeches, a special poem recital, a dove release and a ribbon tying ceremony.

The statue will remain in the centre until the end of the month.